Raising Money for Shorewood
Clubs & Teams
Donate While You Shop
AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon with the same products, prices, and shopping features as Amazon.com. The difference is that when you shop on AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to the charitable organization of your choice.
Every item available for purchase on www.amazon.com is also available on AmazonSmile (smile.amazon.com) at the same price. You will see eligible products marked "Eligible for AmazonSmile donation" on their product detail pages.
How do you get started? Easy! Just sign in with your Amazon account at smile.amazon.com. On your first visit, you will select a charitable organization to receive donations from eligible purchases before you begin shopping. Choose The Shorewood Boosters in Shoreline, WA. For more information about the AmazonSmile program, go to http://smile.amazon.com/about.
Host An Event
Generate spirit and community while raising money! Boosters will help with logistics and promotion, you just supply the location and participants. Contact our Events Team at events@shorewoodboosters.com for details.
Help Us Coordinate Monthly Family Night Out
Everyone loves a night out! Coordinate with restaurants around Shoreline for to generate business for them and donations for Shorewood. Promotion and planning support available.
Tell Us Your Ideas
We want to hear from you! How can we help clubs and teams at Shorewood raise the funds they need to meet their goals? Contact us at info@shorewoodboosters.com and we'll connect you with the right person.
The Shorewood Experience
Click here to make a donation.
The mission of the Shorewood Boosters is to increase spirit and engagement in clubs and teams at our school. This year, one of the focuses of the Booster is accessibility—removing barriers to participating in Shorewood clubs and teams. One of the barriers we can help remove is the financial barrier. Participating in almost any club or team at Shorewood includes a financial commitment. A commitment that many of our students have trouble meeting.
What is the need?
Currently, 1 in 4 Shorewood students (26%) receives free and reduced lunch. While this is not the only indicator of need, it is the most reliable and consistent. Not only might these students be having trouble paying once they have joined a club or team, they may not be trying out at all due to the costs needed for participation. As housing costs and the cost of living increase, this percentage will increase as well.
This is a need that has not historically been addressed by Boosters. Clubs and teams have handled this themselves, which has resulted in inconsistent support and lack of confidentiality.
What costs will the fund cover?
The Shorewood Experience fund will provide up to 75% of the cost of participation in ASB-approved clubs and teams at Shorewood High School. A list of these clubs and teams is available from the ASB office.
The cost of participation is defined as the associated fee for participation, as well as gear purchased through the club or team (team sweatshirt, etc). The coach or club lead will confirm the total amount required.
How do students apply for this financial support?
This will be determined in partnership with Shorewood administration and counseling offices.
How will the Shorewood Experience be funded?
Through an end-of-year campaign in December, we will seed the fund, and activities at the 2019 Booster Auction will supplement. The fund will become an item that can be donated to through Boosters just like any club, team or class. Other upcoming campaigns will include outreach to Shorewood alumni. Additionally, a portion of the Boosters’ general fund will be donated to the Shorewood Experience.
Our goal is to have $10,000–$15,000 in the Shorewood Experience fund by the end of the 2019–20 school year. Yes, that's a big goal. This will enable the fund to be self-sustaining with regular fundraising drives like a year-end campaign.
Who will oversee the development and maintenance of the fund?
The development (as with anything we do) is in partnership with the Shorewood administration. The 2018–19 lead volunteers on the project are Lori Kiehle and Mary Crandell, and we invite anyone interested to get involved. The school will oversee direct financial administration, and Booster commitments will be administrated by the Booster treasurer.
After the fund is established and moves into the self-sustaining phase, oversight will be led by the Booster executive board.
Good idea, but why do it this way?
In addressing this challenge and possible solutions, we used these considerations:
Confidentiality: Boosters shall have no influence on who receives funds (past the general guidelines), and no visibility into individual identification.
Quick turn-around: Those seeking funds need to know quickly how much is available to them so that their participation in a club or team is seamless.
Information accessible in all languages: The Shorewood population is diverse, with a wide range of languages spoken at home.
Donor-friendly: No hoops to jump through, tax deductible and regular insight into the benefit to the school.
Click here to make a donation.
(Mostly) Monthly Meetings
Join us from 7:00-8:00pm on the first Monday of the month to hear about what is happening at Shorewood, hear from students and administrators, and contribute to the conversation about the work Boosters is doing in our school.
October 1
January 7
February 4
April 1
May 6
June Celebration
Spring Fundraiser
Save the Date for the Booster fundraiser on March 9, 2019. Join the planning committee by emailing vice-president@shorewoodboosters.com.